Home / Programs / International S.E.E.D. (Sowing Economic Empowerment & Dignity) Program

International S.E.E.D. (Sowing Economic Empowerment & Dignity) Program

We travel abroad yearly to “Sow Economic Empowerment & Dignity” to the poorest among us, families with children living in 3rd world countries.  We provide these families with a bundle of items such as a sewing machine, bicycle, livestock and vegetable seeds.  We also provide words of spiritual encouragement and lots of love. It is our pleasure to gift families with real resources to help them nourish themselves and create a source of perpetual sustainable income. This ultimately promotes dignity and positively impacts their communities.

There are families waiting on our help. Won’t you consider sponsoring a family, a community, or a team to travel to give real resources to families living in extreme poverty.

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