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Local Programs

  • Locally we provide: food for after-school programs; “Gift a Gardens” to families with underprivileged children; clothing, shoes, and toys for children living in temporary housing; and shelter assistance awards to disadvantaged and displaced children.

Dathan’s Garden – Dathan and his father started a small garden behind their home.  They planted watermelon, cucumbers, peppers, and other vegetables.  They also planted basil and peppermint in a container.  This may be a small area, but this father and son utilized what they had to grow nutritious food for their family.  

Garden after harvest. Youth in shorts

We provide local families with children, like Dathan and his dad, all the supplies they need to plant and grow a garden, through our local “Gift a Garden” program.  Providing local families with a “Gift a Garden” helps them produce their own free, nutritious, food while also teaching  children basic life science through hands on experience and promoting family bonding through gardening, which is a wonderful family project. 

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